The 5 Mistakes of the Beginner Deadlift

#1: The “A-Frame” This is ground zero for improper deadlift mechanics and undoubtedly one of the most common mistakes seen in lifters taking the deadlift on its maiden voyage. The “A-Frame” refers to a valgus angle at the knee. This basically means that the lifters’ knees do not […]

Glute Tutorial With Jamie Collins

I frequently mention that I prefer using both lengthening and shortening movements when performing my glute/hamstring workouts. My glute workout usually consists of a circuit routine where I will do 2-3 different exercises back to back with minimal rest in between. This allows me to do more exercises […]

Fit For Fifty with Kristin Pope

When your weekly grocery budget is only $50, you have to be strategic in how you spend it. What should you get? Can you have variety? Are you able to have enough sustainable options to power you through your active lifestyle? All of these are expected concerns from […]